Autumn Season Art Opening Event

Next date: Saturday, 15 March 2025 | 04:00 PM to 06:00 PM

Bundoora Homestead façade Queen Anne style mansion
Join us to celebrate the opening of our Autumn Season of exhibitions:

A1 Darebin Art Salon 2025 | Featuring over 150 artists who live, work, study or base their creative practice in the City of Darebin.

Jaren | جڑیں | Roots | جذور | A collaborative exhibition between Bundoora Homestead, La Trobe Art Institute and the Islamic Museum of Australia.

Free to attend, all welcome

A highlight of the Darebin Arts calendar, join us at the launch of the A1 Darebin Art Salon 2025! This opening event will also celebrate the opening of Jaren | جڑیں | Roots | جذور  Join us for light refreshments, the announcement of our A1 Darebin Art Salon Exhibiting Award and an evening full of community connection and celebration.

About the exhibitions:

A1 Darebin Art Salon 2025

The highly anticipated A1 Darebin Art Salon is back for another year celebrating art, creativity and expression within our community!

This will be the fifth iteration of this major biennial art prize and exhibition, which allows local artists and crafters at any stage in their career to exhibit their work in a public art gallery. Featuring over 150 artists who live, work, study or base their creative practice in the City of Darebin.

Jaren | جڑیں | Roots | جذور

A collaborative exhibition presented across three venues in Darebin: the Islamic Museum of Australia, La Trobe University and Bundoora Homestead Art Centre.

Considering our shared context as neighbours, artworks have been chosen from our collections that reflect the diverse communities of artists that call or have called Australia home. Artists in this exhibition share an interest in celebrating and challenging the cultural contexts that shape their lived experiences, often expressing their personal encounters and cultural histories, and how these have informed their beliefs.

Artists across the venues include Abdul Abdullah, Abdul-Rahman Abdullah, Cigdem Aydemir, Mirela Cufurovic, Rubaba Haider, Fatima Killeen, Aniwar Mamat, Nusra Latif Qureshi and Naeem Rana.

Getting here

To plan your visit click here

Please note: general photography and short videos (for social media) will be recorded at this event for promotional use only and to document this event internally. If you prefer not to be photographed, please let a member of staff know once you arrive.


Image: Bundoora Homestead Opening Event 2024. Photography: Lucy Foster


  • Saturday, 15 March 2025 | 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM


Bundoora Homestead Art Centre, 7 Prospect Hill Dr, Bundoora, 3083, View Map

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