Museum of Me

museum of me

Museum of Me is a cross-generational art project between primary school children and residents of aged care facilities.

The artists, Ingrid Voorendt and Ian Moorhead were art residents at Arlington Aged Care.

Ingrid Voorendt (performance maker, director and choreographer) and Ian Moorhead (composer and sound artist) created a site specific work based around partner dancing.

These artists integrated sound, music, images and storytelling into a work steeped in the bodies memory.

Working with residents and the children from St Marys Primary School, Thornbury, the artists created an intimate and participatory performance event, responding to the memories and experiences of dance and music.

Karensa Diball and Yu- Hui Ng Rodrigeuz, "This Side of the Tracks", created a site specific work at Westgarth Aged Care exploring the nature of power.

Together with Westgarth Primary School children, "This Side of the Tracks" created a unique performance that placed young people and elders in charge of the system, reversing the roles the majority of dependants play in society.

Through shared art and performance over 11 weeks, the duo made an installation spread through the facility. Challenging the very notion of power, asking the question ‘What would our lives be like if the elderly and the young ruled the world?’

Read The Age article about Museum of Me

More information

Elizabeth Welch

Engagement Officer


Phone: 03 8470 8458

The Museum of Me in 2014 was an eight week cross-generational art project.

Hosted at Westgarth Aged Care Facility with partners Westgarth Primary School and Darebin Council, Creative Culture. This project placed two artists at Westgarth Aged Care for two sessions each week.

To one of these weekly sessions, we invited the children from Westgarth Primary school to be buddied with an elder resident at Westgarth Aged Care.

The result was a joyful, rich experience where new friendships were forged through shared artistic challenges.

Participants ranged in age from 10 to 96. They spun stories, pushed boundaries of difference, and defined new facets to the idea of community.

For more information about this project, please contact Elizabeth Welch, Arts & Cultural Development Officer, Creative Culture, Darebin Council.