Transition between States 切换于境界间
Jack Lee
Speculating on the intersection between race, religion, gender, and sexuality, this new series of multi-disciplinary works emerge from an inquiry into the concept of ‘in between’ of cultures, places and identities. Through video, photography, painting and 3D printing, the works question the basis of which identity is built and the baggage that comes with growing up in a traditional Chinese upbringing. This merges with the diasporic experience of being a migrant in a settler-colonial context through consideration of the often gendered and racialised human body.
臆测着种族,宗教,性别和性取向的交错衔接。此组混合媒体的新作品起源于一种对文化,地点和身份等境界的切换和问询。通过视频、摄影、绘画和3D打印, 这些作品度量着往往被性别化和种族化的人体,融合了我是殖民地散居移民者的经历来问询了我个人“身份”铸成的基石,其中哪些是成长在中式传统教育下附属品?
The artist acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land upon which they are practising and exhibiting, the Wurundjeri and Boon Wurrung people of the Kulin Nation. They pay their respects to the Elders past, present and emerging.
本人万分感戴这片土地的原住居民,库利地域的Wurundjeri和Boon Wurrung人民。鄙人在他们的国土上创作和展示作品。在此我向那些长者,同辈和后辈们致意。
Many thanks to特别感谢
David & Xiao Yan, Jake, Matt, Lucien, Hugh, Talor, Tim F, Ton, Rathy, Isy, Shin, Paris, The KTA team & The BHAC team
Exhibition resources:
Jack Lee was awarded the 2022 Bundoora Art Prize Award at the Midsumma and Australia Post Art Award

Image: Jack Lee, still image from Your Body is a Temple, My Body is a Cage, 2022, single-channel video, 6mins.
Saturday, 26 November 2022 | 11:00 AM
- Saturday, 04 March 2023 | 04:00 PM
Bundoora Homestead Arts Centre, 7 Prospect Hill Dr, Bundoora, 3083, View Map
7 Prospect Hill Dr ,
Bundoora 3083
Bundoora Homestead Arts Centre
7 Prospect Hill Dr ,
Bundoora 3083
Transition between States 切换于境界间