Two performers, one baby. One life, one choice. Your hosts, Kerensa and Yuhui, are both women of childbearing age. One is a mother. The other is not. Both are acutely aware that single decision has the power to alter the course of one’s entire life.
This compelling live performance slips between the autobiographical and the absurd, the banal and the surreal, the conversational and the theatrical. Amidst chaos and control, restraint and rebellion, a baby watches the performance unfold from his throne. Drawing on their interest in domestic ritual, Diball and Ng-Rodriguez invite you in and offer morsels to share. Partake in their candid response to the pressures of being a good woman, a bad mother, becoming our mothers and what it means to have children. Or not.
Image by Nura S
Northcote Town Hall Arts Centre, 189 High Street, Northcote, 3070, View Map
189 High Street , Northcote 3070
Performance Dates
10 - 13 May 2018
Northcote Town Hall Arts Centre
189 High Street, Northcote
60mins, with no interval