Snake - Cathy Adams

This work is a snake that is constructed with a skeletal framework of thin strip steel and fencing wire.

This work is a snake that is constructed with a skeletal framework of thin strip steel and fencing wire. The framework is covered with Hessian which is then covered with three layers of fibreglass blanket and resin. The entire snake is painted with acrylic artist’s paints and acrylic house paint. The snake is approximately six metres long by one metre wide.

This work represents “Mindi” the Red-Bellied Black Snake. The Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation regard “Mindi” as a spirit of good fortune.

Artist: Cathy Adams

Date made: 2003

Materials: steel, fencing wire, hessian, fibreglass, resin, acrylic

Location: All Nations Park, Separation Street, Northcote.