Terms and conditions, NTHAC

Tanya Bosak image by Vincent L Long

Terms and conditions for all visitors to the Northcote Town Hall Arts Centre.

Terms and conditions

View our terms and conditions(PDF, 142KB)

Please note: Northcote Town Hall Arts Centre is a cashless venue.

Ticketing fees and charges

Transaction, refund and exchanges fees may be applicable to cover administrative costs. For the 2021/22 financial year, the following fees apply:

  • Internet bookings: $4.00 inc GST
  • Phone bookings: $5.50 in GST
  • Reprint fee: $0.50 inc GST
  • Exchange or refund fee: $4.10 inc GST

National Relay Service

  • TTY users: Please phone 133 677 and ask for the relevant box office number.
  • Speak and Listen users: Please phone 1300 555 727 and ask for the relevant box office number.
  • Internet Relay users: Please connect to www.iprelay.com.au/call/index.aspx and ask for the relevant box office number.

Cameras and recording devices

Cameras and other recording devices are not permitted unless when explicitly allowed. Darebin City Council reserves the right to request the deletion of any unauthorised photos or video footage.